Cloudy skies and light, occasional, and scattered showers will dominate weather conditions in the Canary Islands this Sunday, according to forecasts from the Spanish Met Office (AEMET).
At sea, northeast winds of force 4 to 5 are expected, locally reaching force 6 in the northwest and southeast, with moderate to rough seas. In the west, winds will be variable at force 1 to 3, with calm seas and breezes. A northward swell of 2 to 3 metres will gradually decrease to 1 to 2 metres from the early hours of the morning.
Island-by-Island Forecast for Sunday
Partly cloudy skies, becoming mostly cloudy during midday hours, with a chance of light, occasional showers. Temperatures will remain stable. Moderate trade winds will strengthen in the second half of the day.
Expected temperature range: 16°C – 21°C
Partly cloudy skies, becoming mostly cloudy during midday, with a chance of light, occasional, and scattered showers. Temperatures will remain stable. Moderate trade winds will strengthen in the second half of the day, particularly in the south of Jandía.
Expected temperature range: 17°C – 21°C
In the north, overcast or mostly cloudy skies with light to moderate rain, which may be persistent in mid-altitude areas. In the rest of the island, partly cloudy skies will become mostly cloudy in the afternoon, with a chance of light, occasional rain, particularly in inland areas.
Temperatures will see little change. Moderate trade winds will be accompanied by strong gusts in the southeast and northwest slopes, as well as in exposed high-altitude areas, where locally very strong gusts may occur.
Expected temperature range: 16°C – 20°C
In the north, cloudy skies with light to moderate rain, which may be persistent in mid-altitude areas of the northeast. In other areas, partly cloudy skies will become mostly cloudy in the afternoon, with a chance of light, occasional showers, mainly in inland regions.
Temperatures will remain mostly unchanged, except for a slight decrease in maximum temperatures in central high-altitude areas. Moderate trade winds will be stronger along the southeast and extreme northwest coasts. In central mountain peaks, strong winds with locally very strong gusts are expected.
Expected temperature range: 17°C – 21°C