Two teenagers arrested for the sexual assault of a 13 year old girl on a beach in Tenerife

  • 01-06-2023
  • Tenerife
  • Canarian Weekly
  • Photo Credit: Canary Islands Police (CGPC)
Two teenagers arrested for the sexual assault of a 13 year old girl on a beach in Tenerife

The Minors and Family Operational Unit (UMEFA) of the Canary Islands Police (CGPC) are investigating three teenagers for the alleged sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl committed on a beach in the south of Tenerife, close to a nightlife area.

According to the police press release, there are clear indications that a crime of sexual assault was committed against the 13-year-old victim after the facts were brought to the attention of the police by the girl’s father in March.

It is claimed that the assault took place in the early hours of the morning when the three teenage lads took the girl to the beach, who was allegedly either drunk or under the influence of some drug and sexually assaulted her.

The possibility has not been ruled out that the incident was recorded by one of the aggressors, but this has not been confirmed as yet.

The three youths were arrested and investigated to clarify the role they each played in the alleged assault, as well as their relationship with each other.

Investigators say they now have sufficient evidence that supports the version given by the teenage victim, including statements from eyewitnesses, and conversations provided by her with one of her aggressors after suffering the attack.

The young girl has suffered from anxiety since the attack, which has led to her being cared for by the General Directorate for Child Protection to give her the support and aid she needs.

The investigation, being carried out by (UMEFA), is still in progress.
