The Arona City Council is confident that a new roundabout will eliminate one of the biggest traffic black spots in the south of Tenerife, where there is a high number of accidents, some of them fatal.
The junction of the TF-652 and TF-653 roads in Guargacho, through which more than 23,000 vehicles circulate daily, according to data from the Cabildo stations that measure the intensity of traffic, will be similar to the roundabout that has just been built in Chayofa that allows direction changes and access to the town.
The council says that work will begin in Guargacho next month (May) for an amount of 527,000 euros and will be completed within six months, with the minimal amount of interruption to traffic as possible.
The TF-652 connects Las Chafiras with Las Galletas and passes through Guargacho, Costa del Silencio, Las Rosas, and Oroteanda Baja, and the TF-653 connects Guargacho to the Coral Mar area of Costa del Silencio.
The junction is considered to be an Accident Concentration Section (TCA) by the Ministry of Transport, which means that there is a greater risk of accidents on a section of road with this classification. This is based on the number of accidents, injuries, and deaths, in relation to the volume of traffic and the technical characteristics of the road.