How to apply for a bonfire permit for San Juan and San Pedro celebrations

  • 15-06-2023
  • Tenerife
  • Canarian Weekly
  • Photo Credit: Ayuntamiento de Adeje
How to apply for a bonfire permit for San Juan and San Pedro celebrations

Adeje Council have released details of how to get a permit for a bonfire ahead of the San Juan and San Pedro celebrations, and guidelines of how they should be built to ensure safety for all concerned. Firstly, they are only allowed in areas designated as Zone B, which is between the motorway and the coast, and not the other side of the motorway inland.

To apply, there is a form to be filled in online which can be found at, and the deadline to submit it is June 21st for San Juan, and June 24th for San Pedro online or at the public offices on the Calle Grande in Adeje.

Once permission is granted, bonfires may be lit from 8:00pm to 2:00am on the evenings of June 23rd and “8th respectively, unless there are adverse weather conditions, such as strong winds, extreme temperatures, or any warnings/alerts activated by the Canary Islands Government.

Conditions for building and lighting bonfires:

- The place where the bonfire is located must be easily accessible to security and emergency services.

- The bonfire must be located outside ravines, protected natural spaces, away from homes or dangerous areas, as well as from facilities with a risk of fire or explosion, such as petrol stations or industrial facilities where materials capable of exploding and/or burning are produced and/or stored.

- The bonfires must always be a minimum distance of 15 metres away from any constructions, roads, power lines, vehicles, etc, and a minimum distance of 100 metres must also be respected between bonfires.

- The area surrounding the fire should be cleaned in order to eliminate or minimise any possibility of the fire spreading.

- The pile of materials to be burned must not exceed a height of 2 metres nor have a diameter greater than 3 metres.

- The bonfire must not include flammable products such as petrol, solvents, alcohols, or products capable of exploding due to pressure such as aerosols. Any elements made of plastic or any other type of waste whose combustion may lead to the emission of highly polluting or annoying gases, such as tyres, electrical appliances, etc., are forbidden, as are fireworks and light-weight materials that can be blown away by the wind when on fire.

These guidelines apply to all municipalities that have a coastal area where bonfires are allowed, and more important information and general restrictions on fires and bonfires can be seen here:
