The explosion of two tanks holding 2.2 million litres of red wine at the Destilaria Levira winery caused a river of wine to flow down Rua de Cima in São Lourenço do Bairro, in the town of Anadia, located south of Porto, on Sunday morning, as reported by Diário de Coimbra.
Fortunately, the incident resulted in no injuries, although there were material damages, as the winery is situated on a hill, and the vino flowed down the aforementioned street at a considerable speed, flooding the road, pavements, and fields in its path.
According to the company, the liquid that could be collected was transported to a treatment plant, and while they "deeply regret" what happened, they believe that the locals view it as a mere "incident."
The scene has become viral on social media, with thousands of users commenting on the post, most of them adding a touch of humour.