The Government activates alerts for the risk of forest fires in five islands

  • 26-06-2023
  • National
  • Canarian Weekly
  • Photo Credit: Gobcan
The Government activates alerts for the risk of forest fires in five islands

The high temperatures that will affect the Canary Islands this week have forced the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies to declare an alert for forest fires in five of the islands: Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Palma, La Gomera, and El Hierro.

Specifically, this alert is in place in all areas of 200 metres above sea level in the north of these islands, and above 400 metres in all other areas, due to the direction of the wind.

The decision to declare this alert has been taken based on the weather information available, and in application of Decree 60/2014, of May 29, which approves the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Emergency Attention set out by INFOCA.

There is a general rule of thumb that governs the conditions for forest fires known as the Three30s. These are:

1 Temperatures above 30°C.
2 Winds above 30km/h.
3 Humidity below 30%.

The weather forecasts all point toward a heatwave over the next few days in the Canary Islands with temperatures in excess of 37°C in Gran Canaria, and 34°C in Tenerife and the western islands.

This will be accompanied by winds that will be above 30km/h at altitude and the gradual arrival of haze inland and high altitudes, especially on the island of Tenerife.


• Avoid making fires in the summer season and there is no authorization either to burn stubble or to use barbecues (not even in recreational areas set up for this purpose).

• In case of strong winds and high temperatures, it is necessary to refrain from lighting a fire outside, not even in barbecues, gardens or private plots.

• Do not throw away matches or cigarette butts. Also, do not throw paper, plastic, glass, or any type of waste or combustible material that could cause a fire.

• In forest areas, do not use strimmers, chainsaws, welders, or angle grinders.

• In times of risk of fire, to enter the forest it is important to know the terrain well, communication routes, alternative paths and try to always walk through areas with high visibility. If you are going hiking, especially in the company of adults and children, try not to leave the marked circuits.

• Never camp outside the areas designated for this purpose, especially in areas far from the access roads, as if a fire breaks out, you could easily get surrounded by it and trapped.
