A judge in Spain has refused to register a baby's birth because her name is a noun, and has ruled that if the parents don’t change it, she will choose a new name for the child herself and register the little girl under the name she decides on, leaving the family angry and confused.
Hazia, meaning seed, was born on October 22nd and her parents left it to the hospital to register the birth, which can be usual in Spain as you only have 30 days to register a newborn, but two days later they received a surprise call.
“The hospital said the name was not acceptable for two reasons: one was that no other little girl had been called that, and the other is that the name is a noun,” the baby’s grandmother, told reporters.
The family contacted the Royal Academy of the Basque Language and were told they could see no problem with using the name. “Ibai and Aritza are nouns as well. Why is Zigor, which means punishment, allowed, but not Hazia?” the parents have asked.
According to the Academy, there is a general rule that names with negative connotations should be avoided, and under Spanish law, nobody would be allowed to call a baby Osama bin Laden, Stalin, Hitler, Satan, Crazy, or Poo, for example, nor could they opt for the names of fruit or diminutives such as Andreita instead of Andrea.
Following this, Hazia’s family went to see the judge to discuss the matter but the meeting did not go well. “She insisted she was right and that if we didn’t choose another name she would do it herself,” they said. Hazia’s father, Bergoi, flatly refused to change his daughter's name or to sign anything so now they are waiting to see what name their daughter is registered under because what the judge says, goes.
“We think that what has happened is that one meaning of hazia is semen, but there is a similar name in the Muslim culture, Aziah, and we have been told that would be allowed,” said Hazia’s mother, Rosa María.
However, some normal administrative procedures, such as the application for maternity benefit and registering the baby with Social Security, have come to a halt because of this delay and the family have requested another meeting with the judge.
And what if the judge does register the baby under another name? “We will take it to the highest court in the land. My daughter is called Hazia,” she said, firmly.