The weather forecast for today, Thursday, shows that there will be some cloudy skies in the Canary Islands, with haze that is spreading across the archipelago from the eastern islands (Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, and Gran Cana Canari) to the western islands, that will increase in intensity this afternoon, and showers to the northeast of Tenerife and La Palma, according to AEMET.
Daytime temperatures will increase slightly, but it is still going to be chilly tonight around 14°C, and sunset this evening will be at 6.47pm.
Here is today’s weather forecast for all of the Canary Islands:
General: Slightly cloudy or clear in general, with some showers in the northwest in the middle of the day. Light haze, increasing in intensity during the afternoon.
Humidity: 58%
Precipitation: 0% - No rain forecast in the south.
Wind: Moderate, 28km/h from the east.
Temperatures: Maximum 22°C and minimum 15°C.
General: Light cloud or clear in general with some haze which will intensify during the day.
Humidity: 61%
Precipitation: 1% - No rain forecast.
Wind: Moderate, 24km/h from the east.
Temperatures: Maximum 20°C and minimum 14°C.
General: Slightly cloudy or clear with sunny spells and light haze.
Humidity: 63%
Precipitation: 0% - No rain forecast.
Wind: Moderate, 27km/h from the east.
Temperatures: Maximum 21°C and minimum 14°C.
General: Slightly cloudy or clear with sunny spells and light haze.
Humidity: 51%
Precipitation: 0% - No rain forecast.
Wind: Moderate, 29km/h from the east.
Temperatures: Maximum 20°C and minimum 16°C.
General: Slightly cloudy or clear in general, with some showers in the northwest during the central hours. Light haze this afternoon.
Humidity: 72%
Precipitation: 17% - local showers are forecast.
Wind: Light, 14km/h from the east
Temperatures: Maximum 21°C and minimum 13°C.
General: Slightly cloudy or clear with haze in the afternoon. Light to moderate southeast wind.
Humidity: 80%
Precipitation: 14% - light showers.
Wind: Light, 12km/h from the southeast.
Temperatures: Maximum 22°C and minimum 16°C.
General: Slightly cloudy or clear with a light haze this afternoon.
Humidity: 59%
Precipitation: 1% - No rain forecast.
Wind: Light, 16km/h from the east.
Temperatures: Maximum 19°C and minimum 16°C.