Lucky escape for mobility scooter rider in the south of Tenerife

  • 24-09-2024
  • Tenerife
  • Canarian Weekly
  • Photo Credit: Tony Thomason
Lucky escape for mobility scooter rider in the south of Tenerife

A mobility scooter rider had a lucky escape yesterday afternoon (Monday) in the south of Tenerife, when she lost control and went off the edge of the dock at Puerto Colon and fortunately landed on a boat instead of plunging into the water.

The female driver of the scooter, of Belgian nationality, who was unhurt but understandably shaken after her ‘jump’, was helped off the boat and back onto terra firma by excursion sellers in the port who witnessed what had happened.

They said she was lucky that the boat called ‘Libbey’ was moored there at the time otherwise she would have fallen several metres into the sea.

Fortunately, there are high tides at the moment so it was just a matter of time before her mobility scooter could be easily recovered from the boat when the level rose, so they took her for a stiff drink in a local Belgian Bar to calm her nerves.

Two hours and several stories later, the woman and her mobility scooter were reunited and disappeared into the sunset after thanking the locals who had helped in what could have been a much worse incident.
