Do you have these 2 cent coins? They are fetching up to 1,000 euros each!

Do you have these 2 cent coins? They are fetching up to 1,000 euros each!

Whether you come on holiday or live in Spain or the Canary Islands, we all have change that we either leave as a tip, put in a change pot when we get home, or even throw away. However, some of these coins in circulation are worth much more than their face value and collectors are paying thousands for them!

All the coins that are changing hands for large amounts of money have some imperfection or peculiarity with them, with some 2-cent coins fetching up to 1,000 euros and 20-cent coins selling for 3,000 euros.

Two cent coins minted in Spain 2018:
It seems incredible but this is one of the most valuable and they are in circulation around us. This particular two-cent coin was minted just five years ago, in 2018, which makes it very likely that more than one of you has one of these in your possession. If so, take a look at eBay as they are selling for up to 1,000 euros.

Two-cent coin Austria 2002:
This peculiar two-cent coin minted in 2002 is, without a doubt, one of the most desired by numismatists around the world. An example of this is that the last ones auctioned were sold for 1,000 euros because it was one of the first to enter circulation in Austria.

Two cent coin Germany 2004:
The two-cent coin minted in Germany in 2004 is perhaps one of the oldest that collectors look for, and has been sold in online auctions for more than 350 euros.

Two cents coin Italy 2002:
Even though this coin is one of the oldest, it is one of the least valuable, ‘only’ fetching 150 euros.

20-cent coin minted in Spain 2018:
This coin was minted in Spain in 2018 and there are millions of them in circulation, but a few have a slight defect having an extra piece of material on the ruffle. Do not throw this one away, collectors are paying 3,000 euros for them!

Do you have these 2 cent coins? They are fetching up to 1,000 euros each!
