According to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), it is going to be generally clear and sunny this weekend across the Canary Islands, except for some occasional intervals of low clouds in the northeast of the islands, early in the morning and later in the day, and in the southwest of Tenerife during the central hours of the day.
No changes in temperatures are expected, with moderate northeast winds, slightly more intense on the southeast and northwest slopes of the more mountainous islands during the first half of the day.
This weekend’s weather forecast for all of the Canary Islands:
General: Clear and sunny with some scattered clouds.
Humidity: 64%
Precipitation: 5% - No rain forecast.
Wind: Moderate, up to 26km/h from the northeast.
Temperatures: Maximum 24°C and minimum 18°C.
General: Some cloud in the morning, clear for the rest of the day.
Humidity: 62%
Precipitation: 9% - No rain expected.
Wind: Light, 14km/h from the northeast.
Temperatures: Maximum 23°C and minimum 18°C.
General: Some cloud on Saturday morning, clear the rest of the weekend.
Humidity: 71%
Precipitation: 4% - No rain forecast.
Wind: Light, 16km/h from the northeast.
Temperatures: Maximum 23°C and minimum 17°C.
General: Clear and sunny all weekend, some light cloud over the Jandia peninsula.
Humidity: 69%
Precipitation: 7% - No rain forecast.
Wind: Light, 18km/h from the northeast.
Temperatures: Maximum 24°C and minimum 19°C.
General: Clear and sunny on Saturday, some cloud on Sunday in the northeast of the island.
Humidity: 70%
Precipitation: 11% - possible drizzle on Sunday.
Wind: Light, 13km/h from the north.
Temperatures: Maximum 22°C and minimum 16°C.
General: A sunny day with some scattered clouds.
Humidity: 60%
Precipitation: 6% - No rain forecast.
Wind: Breezes, 8km/h from the north.
Temperatures: Maximum 25°C and minimum 20°C.
General: A clear and sunny weekend.
Humidity: 69%
Precipitation: 5% - No rain forecast
Wind: Light, 17km/h from the northeast.
Temperatures: Maximum 20°C and minimum 16°C.