Fuerteventura returns to alert Level 1 La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro from tomorrow (Monday), as announced by the Minister of Health for the Canary Islands, Blas Trujillo, because the island has reduced the epidemiological data and has the virus under control.
This means no curfew, increased capacity for bars and restaurants, closing times of 1am, and groups of 10, among other things, and the residents of the island will get to enjoy them fully as the ‘Carnival’ restrictions finish at midnight tonight.
Here is a complete overview of Level 1 restrictions:
Group size: Maximum 10 people, except cohabitants, both in public and private spaces.
Bars, Restaurants and Cafés:
- Outdoor terraces 100% capacity.
- Inside 75% capacity.
- Maximum 10 People per table.
- Drinking at bar: groups of max. 4 people with marked spaces.
- Buffet and self-service allowed indoors and outdoors.
- Complete closure of the establishment before 1.00am.
- Distance of at least 2 metres between adjacent table chairs, between groups of tables and between groups of customers at the bar.
- Chairs will be arranged in a zigzag to avoid diners being face to face.
- The bar space assigned to each customer or group of customers must be physically marked in a visible way.
- Ban on smoking on terraces.
Interpersonal safety distance:
- The interpersonal safety distance of 1.5 metres will be maintained on public roads and in all public spaces.
- If it is not possible to maintain the distance in premises or establishments, the stay will be restricted to a single person.
- It is recommended to avoid staying in closed and crowded spaces.
Use of masks:
- All people age 6 years and older are obliged to use a mask in all public spaces.
- The owners of hospitality venues, spaces and premises for public use must guarantee their compliance.
- The use of masks with an exhalation valve is prohibited except in the specific workplace.
Gambling and betting establishments:
- Capacity 75%.
- Food or drink service must be carried out in compliance with the bar and restaurant measures above.
- Tables with a maximum occupancy of 10 people, guaranteeing the distance of 2 metres between chairs at different tables
- Capacity 100%
- Groups maximum 10 people
- For the purposes of calculating the maximum capacity, it is considered at a rate of 4m2 per person.
- Non-cohabitants must keep a distance of at least 1.5m from each other when bathing and not wearing a mask.
Sports on beaches and water activities:
- Individual or pairs sport is allowed without physical contact.
- Sports in groups of 10.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public:
- The sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads, parks or outdoor recreation areas is not allowed.
- Controls will be strengthened to prevent the consumption of alcohol and other activities not allowed on public roads, parks and plazas, and the night-time closure of spaces in which crowds occur for this cause may be established.
In the work-place:
75% capacity in common spaces (toilets, office, meeting rooms, entrance etc)
Capacity in toilet facilities and changing rooms:
-In spaces up to 4m2, the maximum occupancy will be 1 person, unless they need the assistance of a companion.
- In spaces of more than 4m2, the maximum occupancy will be 50% and the interpersonal safety distance of 1.5 metres must be maintained inside.
Public transport:
The owner will carry out a risk assessment in the service it provides to adopt the necessary corrective measures:
- Reinforcement of services in time slots and lines with greater crowds of people.
- Information to the public about the maximum capacity of the units in service.
- Air renewal by opening windows. In forced ventilation systems, increase the outdoor air intake; increase the outdoor air/re-circulated indoor air ventilation rate. At stops, open all vehicle doors as long as possible.
Users must adopt prevention and health protection measures throughout the journey:
- Mandatory use of a mask.
- Prohibition of eating, drinking or smoking.
- Do not yell, sing or engage in conversations with other passengers or through the mobile phone.
- Avoid traveling at peak times except for essential activities.
Consumption of tobacco and other inhalation devices:
- Its consumption is prohibited in all premises and establishments open to the public, even on open-air terraces.
- Prohibited within a perimeter of at least 5 metres from access to non-university, health, social-health and local teaching centres or establishments where smoking is prohibited.
- Prohibited in a perimeter of at least 2 metres from playgrounds.
- Smoking is not allowed while travelling on public roads.
Eating and drinking on public highways:
- Eating and drinking on public roads and in outdoor spaces is prohibited when it is not possible to guarantee the maintenance of a safety distance of 2 metres, except between groups with stable coexistence, and in authorized places.
Tourist accommodation establishments (indoor common areas without food consumption):
- Capacity 75%
- Maximum groups of 10.
Tour guide activity/active tourism:
- Maximum 50 people
- Maximum groups of 10
Other commercial establishments and professional services open to the public:
- 50% capacity inside the premises and retail stores.
Common areas of shopping centres and retail parks:
- 33% capacity in common areas
- 55% of the overall authorized capacity.
- In shopping centres distributed over several floors, the capacity limitations in the common areas must be met in each of them.
Outdoor physical activity, sports facilities and centres:
100% of the capacity will not be exceeded in each of the sports spaces and centres.
- In collective activities in which it is not possible to maintain the distance of 2 metres permanently, groups of a maximum of 10 people including the monitor are allowed, with the use of a mandatory mask.
- The 2 metre safety distance between the different groups is to be guaranteed at all times.
- 2 people accompanying minors who carry out sports activities will be allowed in the stands, up to a maximum of 33% of the capacity in the stands.
- Use of the mask compulsory except if the interpersonal safety distance of 2 metres can be permanently guaranteed.
- The use of machine objects or material by successive users will be supervised in order to guarantee their cleaning and disinfection after each use.
Physical and sports activity in the interior areas of sports facilities and centres:
- 100% of the capacity will not be exceeded in each of the sports spaces and centres.
- In collective activities in which it is not possible to maintain the distance of 2 metres permanently, groups of a maximum of 10 people including the monitor are allowed, with the use of a mandatory mask.
- A safety distance of 2 metres between the different groups will be guaranteed at all times.
Sports in which continuous interpersonal physical contact with the opponent is required:
- Guarantee the ventilation of interior spaces.
- Use of the mandatory mask.
- The use of machine objects or material by successive users will be supervised in order to guarantee their cleaning and disinfection after each use.
Federated sports activity:
- In non-professional federated sports, that require a number of more than 10 participants for the development of competitions (for example, football), it is allowed, exclusively during the validity of alert level 1 and 2, to exceed this number up to the maximum necessary for the development of the activity.
- The federated professional sports practice may be carried out individually and collectively, maintaining a safety distance of 2 metres whenever possible, with a maximum number of 25 people simultaneously.
- Sports with continuous physical contact with the opponent will not be allowed.
Celebration of sporting events:
- Professional events may be held.
- 50% of the maximum public capacity, provided that the distance of 1.5m is guaranteed and the use of the mask.
- The public is not allowed to eat, drink or smoke.
- The audience must remain seated.
- The presence of the media is allowed provided that all preventive measures are guaranteed.
Places of religious worship:
- Capacity 75%
Wakes and burials:
- Capacity 75%
- 20 people outdoors
- 10 people indoors
- Burial party: maximum 50 people
- Cremation: maximum 5 people
Weddings and other civil or religious celebrations:
- Capacity 100% outdoors, maximum 150 people.
- Capacity 75% indoors, maximum 50 people.
Public performances:
- Capacity 75%
- Max groups of 10 people.
- Must have prior permission
Big Events:
- They may be held with prior authorization.
- Capacity 50%
- Max groups of 10 people.
- People who are not living together will not be able to spend the night in the same tent/caravan.
Swimming pools for collective use:
- Capacity 75%
- Max groups of 10 people.
Festivals and popular events:
- Suspended until the evolution of the epidemiological situation advises it and the Health Administration allows it.
Discotheques and nightlife:
- Discotheques, night clubs and cocktail bars are closed, with or without live musical performances.
Recreational and leisure boats with economic activity:
- Capacity 100%
- Max groups of 10 people.
- The service of food or drink must be done outdoors, sitting and complying with distancing measures.