A motorcyclist has died in Tenerife following a collision with a car on the TF-24 road at kilometre 21, in the municipality of La Victoria de Acentejo.
The incident occurred around 11:30am yesterday, Saturday 8th February, when the Coordinating Centre for Emergencies and Security (CECOES) 112 emergency call centre received an alert reporting the crash and a request for urgent assistance.
Emergency services, including SUC medical personnel, arrived at the scene and found the motorcyclist in cardiorespiratory arrest. Despite performing both basic and advanced resuscitation manoeuvres, the medical team was unable to revive the man, and his death was confirmed at the scene.
The Guardia Civil took charge of the necessary formalities related to the accident, and guarded the body until a coroner authorised it be taken for an autopsy, while the Highway Maintenance Service worked to clear and clean the affected stretch of the road.