Council ban sex on this Canary Islands beach with fines up to €3,000

  • 12-03-2025
  • Travel
  • Canarian Weekly
  • Photo Credit: Hello Canary Islands
Council ban sex on this Canary Islands beach with fines up to €3,000

A new set of regulations governing the use of the Agaete coastline in Gran Canaria have come into effect, imposing a series of restrictions on beaches, promenades, and other coastal areas.

Among the most notable measures is the prohibition of engaging in sexual activities in the water, bathing areas, or any public “maritime-terrestrial domain”.

The ordinance also bans smoking (with any device) and playing music in sunbathing areas and access points, as well as cooking on the beach and using traditional umbrellas, although shade structures that do not pose a risk to other users if displaced by the wind are permitted.

Camping and setting up tents on beaches or in coves is also prohibited all year-round, and any items like these may be removed by municipal workers or the Local Police.

Additionally, the regulations prohibit reserving spots on sun decks and bathing platforms, obstructing access routes and walkways, and misusing public showers, and foot-washing stations. Wasting water or using public showers to fill containers or wash with soap, gel, or shampoo is also subject to penalties.

Regulations and Penalties

Shellfish collection is banned throughout the entire bathing area, including submerged and emerged rocky formations. Turning over stones without returning them to their original position is also restricted. Fishing with a rod is not permitted in or within 150 metres of bathing zones, nor near divers.

Nudism is allowed in bathing areas except at El Risco, Las Nieves, and Las Salinas beaches. As for animals, they may be walked on a lead and remain in the public maritime-terrestrial domain if accompanied by their owners. However, pets are not allowed to access or swim at Las Nieves beach, the natural pools of Las Salinas, or El Risco beach.

The authorities also advise that failure to comply with these regulations will result in fines. Minor infractions will incur fines ranging from €30 to €750, serious offences between €751 and €1,500, while very serious violations may lead to fines of up to €3,000.

