The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the inclusion of the antiviral Molnupiravir in its list of treatments against Covid-19 yesterday, making it the first oral drug recommended by them against the disease. At the same time, they emphasized the importance of oral treatments for the long-term treatment of the virus when it changes from a pandemic to an endemic.
In their announcement the WHO made it clear that only propose its use among Covid-19 patients who have not developed severe forms of the disease and who, on the contrary, are at very high risk of hospitalization.
These include unvaccinated people and the elderly, with immunodeficiencies or chronic diseases. However, at the moment, they advise against its use among children, and pregnant or lactating women until further tests are carried out.
The drug, produced by the German firm Merck, comes in pill form, and according to the WHO, if used with the first symptoms of infection, it can prevent hospitalizations and greatly help with the management of the evolution of the virus.
The health institution recommends treatment with four pills (800 milligrams) taken twice a day for five days, which is the usual time for the development of symptoms of the disease. These recommendations are based on data from six randomized trials involving 4,800 patients.