Canaries extends free AXA Covid travel insurance coverage for tourists

Canaries extends free AXA Covid travel insurance coverage for tourists

The Ministry of Tourism for the Canary Islands, through the public company Promotur Turismo de Islas Canarias, has extended the agreement signed a year ago with the insurer AXA, which offers free travel insurance cover to tourists who are affected by Covid during their stay in the archipelago if they don´t have any other cover.

This agreement originally was for a one-year period, so the Ministry has put a new contract for this insurance out to tender, which is published in the official journal of the European Union, as reported by the regional government in a press release.

However, until this contract is resolved, the Canary Islands Tourism department has decided to extend the policy contracted with AXA, as explained by the Minister of Tourism, Yaiza Castilla, so that visitors "will not be left unprotected at any time of their holiday."

She also pointed out that, the regional Executive has "made every effort to transfer and consolidate the image of the islands as a secure destination”, since the beginning of the pandemic, and they are continuing to do so now.

In relation to this, she pointed out that the Canary Islands was the first place to offer free insurance for tourists who did not know they were infected by Covid when they embarked on their trip, or to those who became infected during their stay in the islands.

The policy includes medical expenses, repatriation, and an extension of the stay in the archipelago so that visitors can complete the quarantine period. She added that the objective "is to reinforce the archipelago's reputation as a safe tourist destination while simultaneously projecting a reinforcement of this reality internationally since this insurance has been one of our great assets".

There are conditions you have to comply with to ensure you are covered, eg staying in licensed holiday accommodation, but all is explained in a downloadable PDF document here:
