How to order a beer the traditional way in the Canary Islands

  • 17-07-2024
  • Travel
  • Canarian Weekly
  • Photo Credit: Freepik
How to order a beer the traditional way in the Canary Islands

In many parts of Spain, asking for a beer can be as simple as saying "cerveza," but in the Canary Islands, there's a special term for this popular drink that even visitors from mainland Spain and expats who have lived here for several years don’t know. Here, beer lovers often use the term "garimba" when placing their orders.

Beer, one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic beverages in human history, goes by many names around the world. In Spain alone, there are countless regional terms for beer, whether it's bottled or on tap. Some common names include caña, quinto, zurito, penalti, birra, tercio, mediana, jarra, and copa, each varying in popularity in different regions.

While "garimba" might seem like a term unique to the Canary Islands, it actually has roots in the broader Spanish language. The Diccionario Básico de Canarismos traces the word's origin to Spanish slang, indicating that it is also used in Galicia and parts of Andalusia. This suggests that the term may have been imported from mainland Spain.

"Garimba" has even appeared in Spanish literature and in newspaper articles. The term is also listed as a synonym for beer in the Diccionario Sohez De Uso Del Español Cotidiano (Sohez Dictionary Of Everyday Spanish), suggesting that while its use has declined on the mainland, it remains prevalent in certain areas of the Canary Islands.

In Tenerife, "garimba" is more than just a term for beer. There is also a location named Garimba between La Laguna and Tacoronte, near Guamasa. Historian Bethencourt Alfonso documented this place name, which was first identified by Pedro de Olive in the Statistical Administrative Dictionary of the Canary Islands.

The name Garimba features the prefix "gar," commonly found in Guanche place names, and the suffix "mba," which appears in other Canary Island locations like Biromba, Chuchurumbache in Tenerife, Timbaiba in Lanzarote, Timbaromos in El Hierro, and Timbomba in Gran Canaria. Despite these linguistic clues, there is no clear connection between the term for beer and the place name, suggesting they evolved independently.

Whether sipping a garimba in the Canaries or enjoying a caña elsewhere, the diverse vocabulary for beer in Spain reflects the rich cultural and linguistic history of the region. The unique term "garimba" adds a local flavour to the Canary Islands' vibrant beer culture, embodying the islanders' distinct identity and heritage.
