The La Palma volcano creates an impressive ‘vortex’ visible from space

The La Palma volcano creates an impressive ‘vortex’ visible from space

Researchers from the Izaña Observatory on Mount Teide in Tenerife, have released images of the vortex that has formed above the volcano in La Palma, showing how it looks both from the ground and from space.

Members of the Aemet team at Izaña explain that this vortex is created due to the eruptive column of the new Cumbre Vieja volcano and that it has been seen both from the remote monitoring station installed at the San Antonio Volcano Visitor Centre in Fuencaliente in La Palma, and from one of their Aemet weather satellites.

The La Palma volcano creates an impressive ‘vortex’ visible from spaceImage of the vortex from the San Antonio Volcano Visitor Centre / Virgilio Carreño.

Vortices are huge rings of steam and gas that, only occasionally, form over the eruptive columns of some volcanoes.
