Dramatic accident in Tenerife: Lorry sheds load and damages three vehicles

  • 21-09-2023
  • Tenerife
  • CECOES .
  • Photo Credit: Local Police
Dramatic accident in Tenerife: Lorry sheds load and damages three vehicles

An accident on the TF-4 (Avenida Maritima) in Tenerife this morning (Thursday) led to the closure of the exit from Santa Cruz after a lorry shed part of its load, damaging at least three other vehicles as reported by the Emergency Services Coordination Centre.

1-1-2 received an alert at around 7:42am, reporting a collision involving three vehicles due to obstacles on the road, originating from the cargo of a lorry.

Occupants of the involved vehicles had to be freed by the Fire Brigade, as three injured people were trapped inside one of the cars. SUC Medical Personnel immediately attended to the injured and then took them by ambulance to the Quirón Salud Hospital in the capital.

A 54-year-old woman received treatment for moderate chest and shoulder injuries, while two men, aged 17 and 52, suffered mild neck pain and minor back injuries, respectively.

The Local Police of Santa Cruz arrived promptly at the scene, and the Guardia Civil managed traffic in the area and conducted the necessary proceedings, while the Highway Maintenance took charge of clearing the road.
