Woman dies after being hit by a bus at the Puerto del Rosario station

Woman dies after being hit by a bus at the Puerto del Rosario station

A 70-year-old woman was tragically killed today (Monday) after being hit by a bus at the Puerto del Rosario station in Fuerteventura. The Local police swiftly responded to the incident and cordoned off the area to pedestrians, while an SUC medical team tried to treat the elderly woman.

At just after midday paramedics from the Canary Islands Emergency Services alongside a doctor and nurse from the Puerto del Rosario Health Centre determined that the impact had caused injuries incompatible with life, and regrettably, they could only confirm the victim's death.

In addition to the medical response team, firefighters from Puerto del Rosario also arrived to assist the other responding agencies. Local police officers took charge of the necessary formalities at the site of the tragic incident until her body could be removed for autopsy.

Woman dies after being hit by a bus at the Puerto del Rosario station
