Thieves illegally rent out home in the Canary Islands while the owner was on holiday

Thieves illegally rent out home in the Canary Islands while the owner was on holiday

The Guardia Civil arrested two 45-year-old men in Gran Canaria on June 6th and June 12th, on charges of fraud, unlawful entry, embezzlement, theft, and document forgery. These arrests follow an incident where the suspects allegedly rented a home, broke in, and stole €6,030 from one of the victims. One of the detainees was already wanted for multiple judicial warrants for fraud, identity theft, and document forgery.

The suspects reportedly rented a property in Santa Brígida and removed the victim's belongings while the homeowner was on holiday, stealing over €6,000 in the process.

The incident came to light on May 27th when the first victim reported to the Guardia Civil that after agreeing to rent a property in Santa Brígida (Las Palmas) and paying a deposit of €2,500, her belongings were moved to a location in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria while she was away.

Upon her return, she discovered that €6,030 she had kept among her belongings was missing. Additionally, she reported the misappropriation of her deposit since the rental agreement was never finalised.

Document Forgery in Property Rental Scheme:

In a related case, on June 3rd, the Guardia Civil in San Mateo received a report from the National Police in Madrid concerning another person who claimed that their property was being fraudulently rented out to potential clients.

One of the detained suspects had allegedly posed as the property owner, providing false documents, altering cadastral references, and modifying ID details. This suspect contacted a prospective renter but failed to finalise the rental due to several suspicious circumstances.

The Guardia Civil's investigation identified the suspects through the phone lines used in the fraudulent activities. The collected evidence led to the arrest of the suspects, who were business partners operating a holiday rental property in Santa Brígida.

They now face charges of unlawful entry for breaking into the rented property, theft for stealing €6,030 from one victim, and embezzlement for refusing to return the collected deposit.

One of the suspects was already under three judicial warrants for fraud, identity theft, and document forgery. The authorities conducted necessary proceedings during his detention to present him to the demanding court and the Duty Court in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Thieves illegally rent out home in the Canary Islands while the owner was on holiday
