Tenerife Cabildo invests €7.7 million in two state-of-the-art firefighting helicopters

  • 31-08-2023
  • Tenerife
  • Tenerife Cabildo
  • Photo Credit: Cabildo de Tenerife
Tenerife Cabildo invests €7.7 million in two state-of-the-art firefighting helicopters

In a bid to boost its firefighting capabilities and enhance its response to potential forest fires, the Tenerife Cabildo has given the green light to an investment of 7.7 million euros for the acquisition and operation of two state-of-the-art firefighting helicopters.

The helicopters will play a pivotal role in Tenerife's firefighting efforts for the period spanning 2024 to 2028. The Governing Council's unanimous decision to approve the funds has led to the awarding of the contract to Eliance Helicopter Global Services SL, a renowned company in the aviation sector.

The primary objective of this partnership is to equip the region with a dedicated fleet of helicopters capable of combating forest fires effectively and efficiently, being based at Tenerife South airport.

One of the helicopters will be operational 365 days a year, providing an unceasing shield against potential outbreaks of fire. The second helicopter, active for 180 days each year, will provide valuable reinforcement during peak fire seasons. Both helicopters will be staffed with skilled technical support personnel who are well-equipped to manage and mitigate forest fire emergencies.

It is hoped that these helicopters will revolutionize firefighting efforts in the region. Among the services they will offer is direct water dousing, both independently and in combination with specialized fire-retardant foams. Additionally, they will facilitate the transport of firefighting personnel and essential equipment, ensuring swift response times to any incidents.

Tenerife Cabildo invests €7.7 million in two state-of-the-art firefighting helicopters

The aerial capabilities of these helicopters extend beyond firefighting. They will be instrumental in the training of Brifor forestry personnel, particularly in the intricacies of aerial coordination and utilization. Participating in forest fire drills will further hone their expertise.

The helicopters will not only fight fires but also provide technical consultation and guidance during fire extinguishing operations. Their versatility will encompass forest fire prevention services such as surveillance, reconnaissance, patrolling, and documentation, and will be equipped to capture real-time imagery through both photography and video, relaying critical incident information to the regional coordination centre, Cecopin.

With this investment, the Cabildo is taking a proactive stance in safeguarding its natural resources and the well-being of its citizens against the ever-present threat of forest fires. The decision aligns with the region's commitment to fostering a safer and more resilient environment for all.
