Iberia cabin crew are called to a protest rally for tomorrow’s strike

Iberia cabin crew are called to a protest rally for tomorrow’s strike

Iberia Express cabin crew are planning a demonstration tomorrow (Friday) at the central offices of the airline to demand that negotiations over salaries and working conditions resume as soon as possible. Next week’s strike called by the Airline Flight Auxiliary Crew Union (Stavla), the Airline Passenger Cabin Crew Independent Union (Sitcpla), the TCP Independent Candidacy Union (La Candi), the UGT and CCOO, want this sorted as negotiations stopped when the pandemic hit Spain.

In addition to a "dignified agreement", the workers want a wage increase, given that they haven’t had one for ten years, and want it to reflect “the efforts made during these long years”.

A few days ago, mediation failed at Iberia Express, a subsidiary of the former flag carrier, which is why the cabin crew strike at the Madrid base promoted by USO between August 28th and September 6th is going ahead, as it affects 517 employees.

Ryanair and easyJet:
There are strikes still ongoing at two other airlines, which have affected internal and national flights in Spain and the Canary Islands but haven’t really had any effect on UK or international flights, namely Ryanair and easyJet.

EasyJet pilots are on strike this bank holiday weekend for 3 days, which is the last set of three in the nine days of action that Sepla called. They are asking for working conditions to go back to what they were before Covid.

At Ryanair, USO and Sitcpla have carried out several days of strikes in July and August to demand the signing of a new agreement for their cabin crew, but they only represent a small percentage of Ryanair staff. They have extended their action until 7th January 2023 which is taking place every Monday to Thursday.
