Residents of Puertito de Adeje in the south of Tenerife want the construction work of the Cuna del Alma complex to resume, to help eliminate shantytowns and insecurity, as well as improve access and services in the after more and more squatters are staying in the area, building shacks and polluting the coast.
Representatives of the people that live locally, say that crime is increasing every day, and that they can longer go near the beach at night because it is “too dangerous”.
Regardless of the controversies and news against the project, the majority of the residents of Puertito de Adeje are in favour of the development of the Cuna del Alma project, believing that "it will only bring good things and improvements for the current environment which is being ruined."
The current complaints from the residents focus on the lack of accessibility and the insecurity of the area, and they are convinced that the development project will solve these problems, promoting the complex in a sustainable way.
They add that it includes many improvements like making the beach for public use, and maintaining the coastal ecosystem. In addition, this project will mean that the natural environment will be recovered with landscape improvements and conservation of the native flora and fauna, promoting employment in the area.